Infer Result

Infer Result

The inferResult function uses an LLM to get a structured object output based on given types and prompt.

API Reference


Generates a structured output using an LLM.


  • params:
    • llm (LanguageModel, required): The configured language model to use
    • prompt (string, required): The task description for the LLM
    • result (s.Schema, required): The type of object to get as a result
    • systemPrompt (string, optional): The system prompt, defaults to an AgentScript-specific prompt if not set


A promise that resolves to an object of the corresponding type, inferred by the LLM.


import { AnthropicModel } from 'agentscript-ai/anthropic';
import { inferResult } from 'agentscript-ai/core';
import * as s from 'agentscript-ai/schema';
const llm = AnthropicModel({
    model: 'claude-3-5-sonnet-latest',
    apiKey: process.env.ANTHROPIC_API_KEY,
const user = await inferResult({
    result: s.object({
        name: s.string(),
        email: s.string()
    prompt: 'Get a user with name John and email'
console.log(user); // outputs object with name and email