Define Tool


The defineTool function allows you to create a reusable tool that can be used by agents.

API Reference


Defines a tool with the following options:

  • name (string, required): The name of the tool (should be camelCase or snake_case)
  • description (string | string[], required): The tool description for the LLM (should be descriptive and concise)
  • input (object or zchema, optional): A type definition of the input parameters
  • output (zchema, optional): A type definition of the output (defaults to void)
  • state (object or zchema, optional): A type definition of the tool state
  • event (zchema, optional): A type definition of the tool event
  • handler (async function, required): The function that implements the tool logic
    • Receives ToolContext as an argument with:
      • input: The typed input parameters
      • state: The tool state object
      • events: Array of tool events
      • trace: String for execution tracing
      • agent: The agent object
      • result: Helper for returning results
    • Returns:
      • A value of the defined output type (or a Promise of it)
      • TOOL_AWAIT_RESULT if the tool is waiting for events


import { defineTool } from 'agentscript-ai/core';
import * as s from 'agentscript-ai/schema';
const add = defineTool({
    name: 'add',
    description: 'Add two numbers.',
    input: {
      a: s.number({description: "First number"}),
      b: s.number({description: "Second number"}),
    output: s.number({description: 'The result of addition.'}),
    handler: ({ input }) => input.a + input.b,

The defined tool can be used in agent definitions and will be available to the agent during execution.